eMCQ.NET FRCA Training Database

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About eMCQ.NET

This site was created in response to the frustration I felt when studying for primary and final FRCA multiple choice examinations.
MCQ books and websites often give conflicting answers to questions and some are poorly evidenced.
My intention is that each question answer will be backed up by at least one reference.
Where authorities disagree, I will try to link as many sources as possible to give a 'concensus' answer.

The following are currently used as references. This list is likely to expand.
Note that this site is in no way connected to (nor sponsored by) Amazon.
The links are purely there for your convenience if you haven't yet spent a month's pay on building your library

Journals (multiple)
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care A-Z (Yentis, Hirsch, Smith)
Textbook of Anaesthesia (Aitkenhead et al.)
Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Smith, Scarth, Sasada)
Pharmacology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Peck, Hill, [Williams])
Principles and Practice of Pharmacology for Anaesthetists (Calvey, Williams)
Color Atlas of Physiology (Despopoulos, Silbernagl)
Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials (West)